Produced by Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia November 18, 2014 - SAGEBRUSH THEATRE
FOR AGES 3 TO 8 - A triple-bill of incredible puppetry by the internationally acclaimed Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar follows the adventures of a very tiny and very hungry caterpillar that eats his way through an amazing variety of foods towards his eventual metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly. Children will likewise delight in the antics of Little Cloud. High up in a beautiful sky, Little Cloud slips away from the rest and transforms itself into various shapes of things it sees – a sheep, an airplane, a shark and more. In The Mixed-Up Chameleon, a little chameleon is bored with its life – sitting around predictably changing colour all day. So it decides to embark on an adventurous trip to the zoo. Upon seeing the beautiful animals there, the little chameleon tries changing to look like each one of them.
From the Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia